When you’re spending many hundreds of thousands – and perhaps even millions – of dollars on buying a new home, the most valuable advice we can offer is this: invest a few hundred dollars extra to have a fully qualified and licenced building inspector check that what you’re buying is not only structurally sound, but all its many facets work well and are fit for purpose.

The emphasis, of course, is on a fully qualified and licenced building inspector rather than a well-meaning parent or a venerable old uncle who, for all the good intentions, do not have the knowledge or expertise to make the call. You might end up being given the okay for a dodgy structure or, equally harmful, have a ‘dream killer’ filled with bravado rather than the necessary skills, scare the living daylights out of you and stop you from buying a perfectly good house.

A suitably qualified, professional and experienced building inspector, ideally with a builder’s licence, will identify all problems or potential problems with the property, importantly ranking them from serious concerns to normal wear and tear.

They’ll report on both interior and exterior features such as walls, ceilings and floor, drainage and fencing, supports, as well as ventilation, damp, roof framing and tiles, slates and sheeting, guttering and downpipes and a range of compliance matters.

The team at Belair & Hills Real Estate is happy to assist by recommending a few highly qualified, experienced and personable building inspectors for you to choose from.